Lust to achieve more leads to Selfishness

Essay by ikram17High School, 11th gradeA, November 2006

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In Williams Shakespeare's "Macbeth", passion to achieve more in life has shown clearly, but excessive ambition leads to selfishness and miserliness. It shows its signification at the end.

Primarily, ambition should be a short term goal and have a limit to achieve. Macbeth had an ambition to become the Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor and the King of Scotland. He already accomplished the title of Glamis and later, he became the Thane of Cawdor but if he had just held on to his ambition to become the King of Scotland, then in the future he would have become one. Since he was so brave and faithful to the king, he was appreciated in the society and later on, his fate would've been taken him to the seat of the king. Secondly, eagerness to acquire more in life results into evilness in one's mind and the example is evidently shown in Macbeth.

Too much ambition caused to do evil things when Macbeth's ambition kicked into high gear because of the witches telling him that he would become king. His ambition caused him to assassinate King Duncan. Macbeth wanted everything to occur on the moment which increased his desire ness to take over more things. Macbeth's desire to gain wealth and status completely overpowered him. Macbeth became more ambitious as his wife and the witches make him question himself and his desires. Lady Macbeth is the biggest encouragement to his ambition, since she uses her husband's trust to change her own future. Lastly, false actions are necessary to acquire in order to get right outcomes. Macbeth took the wrong step to get everything he wanted. He stole the title to become the King of Scotland instead of earning it respectively. He assassinated King Duncan and his friend Banquo, just to...