Lysistrata Analysis

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 12th grade November 2001

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Aristophanes's Lysistrata is an excellent example of satirical drama in this historical comedy. He proceeds to show the absurdity of the war between Athens and Sparta by staging a battle of the sexes in front of the Acropolis, the worshipping place of Athena. How silly would a war seem if abstaining from lust and sexual urges could stop it? A good example of this concept is the scene in which the Laconians and Athenians come together in order to make peace. At first they pay no attention to Lysistrata's lofty speeches about peace and instead pay attention to their own sexual desires. They are willing to do anything just so their women will come back to their homes "“ even make peace with one another. Through this, Aristophanes underlines how ridiculous and unnecessary the war seems.

When the two sides gather, Lysistrata proceeds to begin the peacemaking process.

Aristophanes indirectly characterizes her as a righteous, serious woman who is determined to end the war the best way she can. While she is finally reaching her goal, both the Athenians and Laconians agree with her yet they can only pay attention to their sexual attraction to her as she is making her speeches, underlining the fact that making peace with each other is meaningless to them. The prospects of peace or winning the war are overshadowed by the more important concern of not being able to make love to their wives. As Lysistrata continues her tirade about making peace and the absurdity of their conflict, the Laconians and Athenians make remarks such as "I have never seen a woman with a finer body!" and "what lovely thighs she has!", underlining how they do not take Lysistrata too seriously, only caring about lust and sex. They agree to her every...