
Essay by ashakh777High School, 10th grade November 2014

download word file, 3 pages 0.0

In Act V of Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, the act describes the tragic passing of Macbeth, and loosing his throne. As the act begins, Lady Macbeth, the strong and merciless woman, has finally gave in to her guilt over the murders in which even a help of doctor can't cure (sleepwalking, acting differently). The Scottish monarchs discuss over Macbeth's state of mind and finally come to the conclusion that they will soon aid Malcolm and Macduff's fight against Macbeth. Macbeth, ensure by the prophecies, believes that he cannot be killed by any man who is born of a woman. Macbeth soon comes face to face with Macduff and is taught that Macduff was taken out through a Caesarean section. MacDuff kills MacBeth, and Malcolm becomes rightful king of Scotland. In Macbeth's final soliloquy "tomorrow and tomorrow….", Macbeth has taken the position that death is unavoidable, life is pointless, and life is unpleasant to him.

When Macbeth speaks in a monologue "tomorrow and tomorrow…", he is simply tring to avoid death, treating as it's pointless. Macbeth talks of death in the final monologue as he says, "Creeps in this petty pace from day to day, / To the last syllable of recorded time" (Act V Scene 5 Line 20-21). Macbeth is seen to treat death as inevitable as he tells his servants to not report to him unless he hears of Birnam Woods coming to Dunsinane, in which he is ensured by the prophecies that the apparitions spoke to him upon. This false sense of security gives Macbeth an eased mindset that sees death as an unaffecting factor to his rein, causing him to see it as pointless.

When Macbeth takes the position that death is pointless to him; he also takes the position that life also has no...