Macbeth: Power

Essay by nguyentechHigh School, 10th grade August 2004

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Shakespeare's tragedy, "Macbeth", exemplifies those with good intentions can still be overcome by their own greed and lust for dominance. Macbeth's transition from the noble warrior to the power-driven ruler and Lady Macbeth's mental incapacity for her evil deeds driving her to suicide shows that even normal-folk when deprived of their humanity can perform acts of great horror.

In the early stages of the play, Macbeth is depicted as a noble man, a hero for Scotland, victorious and loyal to his king. However, on his first acquaintance with the witches, they reveal his prophecy, in which he shall soon be crowned king. This awakens Macbeth's greed and slowly elevates his desire for power. Believing he needn't do anything to acquire the throne he firstly addresses: "If Chance will have me king, why Chance will crown me king without my stir". On notification of these events, Lady Macbeth, a lady intent on bringing fortune to her husband, remorselessly begins planning Duncan's (the current king) death.

Lady Macbeth urges the dark forces within Macbeth to be released, further enhancing his ambition for power. Macbeth does not welcome the idea of killing Duncan; however, in sacrifice of her own humanity, Lady Macbeth criticizes him, accuses him of being "too full o'the milk of human kindness".

Macbeth encounters a supernatural dagger which leads him to Duncan's room, he states, "Thou marshall'st me the way that I was going" this is where Macbeth chooses his destiny, instead of resisting fate he succumbs to fate and murders Duncan for his lust for power is too great. Macbeth is conscious of his deed, which leads us to question Macbeth's true manner; is he cold-blooded or a man influenced by his greed?

Macbeth's decision to murder Banquo and Fleance is a tell-tale sign that Macbeth's obsession for power...