Major characters in a novel or play usually undergo a change of some sort. In the novel or play you have studied, hot is the change in the major character linked to a key theme or themes?

Essay by manuloverHigh School, 11th grade November 2006

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In the play, "Antigone", there are two major characters, Antigone and Creon. This play is unusual in many ways including the fact that the major characters do not go under any significant change throughout the story. Jean Anouilh, the author of Antigone, did this probably because he wanted to show that the play had no real significant impact on society and humanity. At the beginning of the play, the guards are playing cards, and at the end, they are still playing cards. This shows that nothing in the play has altered daily life. Even though Antigone stood up and fought for what she believed was right, she ended up losing her life trying to do something that could be undone, but it was something that she believed was part of nature's law. Creon also does not change in the story because Anouilh wants to show that he is faced with many big decisions as king of Thebes and that he has to always think of what is good for the people of Thebes.

In the story, Antigone does not go through any characteristic changes apart from the fact that she dies. Although she does not go through any changes, many themes and ideas are tied into Antigone's character. One major theme tied into her character is justice. Antigone shows this theme strongly throughout the play because she is always fighting for what she believes is just. She believed that Polynices, her brother, deserved a proper burial like her other brother, Eteocles, but Creon would not allow it because he needed to show that there was a hero in the battle between them to the people of Thebes and that it was not just two people killing each other. He decided quickly that Eteocles would be displayed as the hero and...