Managing and Resolving Conflict

Essay by hmshort2469 September 2006

download word file, 8 pages 3.0

Downloaded 329 times

Thesis Statement: The process of conflict resolution includes determining the conflict, choosing the right approach and resolving the conflict.

I (Hook) There are many variances to determining conflict.

II (Transition) Conflicts can arise in many different ways.

III (Thesis) Although there are many different approaches we will focus on.

A. Determining the conflict

B. Choosing the right approach

C. Resolving the conflict

IV (Body) Define the sources of conflict

A. Avoidance

B. Accommodation

C. Competition

D. Compromise

E. Collaboration

V (Body) Conflict Methods

A. Reasons

B. Reactions

C. Results

D. Resolution

VI (Body) Conflict Resolution Approaches

A. The A-E-I-O-U Model

B. Negotiation

C. Mediation

D. Arbitration

VII (Summary) Although there are many different approaches we will focus on

A. Determining the conflict

B. The right approach

C. Resolving the conflict

VIII (Conclusion) Once the group has followed these or similar methods, resolving

conflict can be a group decision.

Managing and Resolving Conflict

Within Learning Teams

The first thing one should realize is, conflict is a part of life and the best thing anybody can do is to try their best to deal with it in a positive manner.

Conflict can be designed as a sharp disagreement or opposition, as of interests, ideas, etc (Webster's, 1976). At least one party tries to voice their opinion in order to sway the other components of the conflict over to their side. Each member wants his or her opinion heard. They want their voice to make a difference. They want to be acknowledged. Conflict is unavoidable in an effective group. You will never come across a group that has worked together for any length of time without expressing differences and disagreements. Conflict can be derived through various reasons for example: a person's perspective, their interest, their personal beliefs, or their own core values. Conflict...