Marketing Management: Hurricane Island Outward Bound School

Essay by doudouUniversity, Master'sA-, May 2006

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Case Analysis: Hurricane Island Outward Bound School


Hurricane Island Outward Bound goals for 1987 were:

* Continued growth

* Financial stability

To realize this, Mr. Chin is determined to deliver three marketing objectives:

* 2,700 students

* 47, 800 Student Program Days (SPD)

* $3.4 million in revenues

Mr. Chin has developed four marketing proposals for 1987. The purpose of this analysis is to:

* Evaluate the strength and weaknesses of each proposal

* Recommend what plan should be adopted, rejected, or modified and adopted

* Determine the best marketing mix with respect to the marketing budget

Through 1985, the school had never broken even on operating basis (TR


* Expand the program to allow more individuals to attend the course during the peak season and off-peak season.

* Increase sales by altering the pricing strategies of programs that are full to increase their revenue.

* Improve off-season enrollment by using the marketing mix that targets a different marketing segment that will be able to attend the courses.


Market Size: Colorado and HIOB controlled approximately 70% of the market

Market Segmentation:


* 14- to19-year-olds

* 20- to 35-year olds


* Northeastern United States

- six New England States

- New York

* Mid-Atlantic States (New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland), and Florida

Buying Groups (within the demographic and geographic markets)

* high school and college students

* "juniors (ages 14 and 15)

* Municipal and agency contacts (for special programs)

* Young professionals

* Corporations

* Hurricane course alumni


Hurricane Island Outward Bound is a nonprofit school that offers experiential education in the United States. The school is focused on creating, staging and marketing experiences.

Mission Statement

The mission of HIOB is providing safe, challenging, educational experiences in a wilderness setting, carefully...