ContentsPage No.
1.Executive Summary31.1 Health of People with Learning Disabilities31.5 The Problems and Goals Assessment41.7Summary of Plan52.Corporate Strategy63.External and Internal Analysis73.1PEST Analysis73.2SWOT Analysis104.Marketing Objectives145.Marketing Strategy 165.2Segmentation165.3Competitive Advantage175.4Positioning185.5Marketing Mix (the 7Ps)196.Implementation206.1The 7S Framework206.4Resource Allocation256.5Budgets266.6Contingency267.Control and Forecasting 267.1 Benchmarks267.2Cost277.3Revenues278.Conclusion 27AppendicesA.The Problems and Goals Assessment29B.Presentation on Problems and Goals33C.Problems and Goals Recording Forms37D.Organisational Chart39E.Leadership Styles40References431.Executive SummaryHealth of People With Learning DisabilitiesEnjoying good health is as important to people with learning disabilities as to anyone else and they need access to health services for the same kinds of illnesses as other people. They are also more likely to have certain medical conditions, such as epilepsy or psychiatric disorders.
Psychiatric disorders are more prevalent in people with learning disabilities than the general population (Lindsey1998; Department of Health 2000a), and studies show an increase in mental health problems in challenging behaviors (Goldberg & Huxley 1980; Moss & Patel 1993; King et al 1994; Meins 1995).
Prompt identification and treatment of these psychiatric disorders could have a positive impact on the challenging behaviour (Emerson et al 2000)The government has recently produced a strategy and implementation guide for service to this client group, (Department of Health, (DoH) 2000a; 2000b). Within these documents it stresses the importance of person centered planning and working in collaboration with the client, their family and significant others.
"A person-centered approach to planning means that planning should start with the individual (not with services), and take account of their wishes and aspirations"(DoH 2000a)The NHS Executive (1999), in the National Service Framework for mental health, emphasis's that when clients and their carers are collaborated with, the quality of their care improves, and goes on to state that a person center approach is preferable.
"People with mental health problems can expect that services will...
Very nice
Very full of information and statistics, but for some reason it looks more suitable for a slide show than for an essay.
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