
Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate April 2001

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Marriage is a legal and social bringing together of a man and women with a usual purpose of producing a family. In all of the world's societies, marriage commitment is forbidden between close relatives, such as parent and child, or sister and brother. This rule is known as the "marriage taboo". Society however should not uphold marriage as an institution in the manner that it does. Should marriage be rushed then our society would be likely to suffer much, because in the minds of many individuals the right path is usually outside of such a commitment. Many people oppose the lifetime commitment of marriage and as an alternative choose to cohabit (live together as man and wife but outside marriage). Some might say that even a solid relationship is likely to end in tears and marriage would therefor be an unwise conclusion. Society therefor is not obliged to make such judgements which state that the right path is for everyone to wed and later produce kids.

Further evidence suggests a strong case in favour of this theory.

Recent statistics suggest that up to 42% of marriages in the UK lead subsequently to divorce, one of the highest rates in Europe. The question is, however, the way in which our society is responsible for such high figures. One of the major factors concerning societies failure in upholding marriage institution is the media, most notably television. Popular soap opera's convincing portray sex outside of marriage and continue to use adultery inside marriage as a powerful tool of increasing the show's ratings.

This, however, has a purposeful effect on our society who indulge into similar goings on rather than staying loyal to their loved ones. Marriage therefor is considered unorthodox due to this. Others favour steady sexual relationships, usually with different partners, which...