Martin Luther King

Essay by lekhrajA+, February 2006

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By 1960, Black activists had gotten everything they claimed they wanted in the 1940s and '50s, namely desegregation. Several years after this great Black victory, nothing had really changed. The only thing that would ever enable Blacks to succeed was hard work and self reliance, but an aspiring, ambitious individual named Martin Luther King saw no money in telling the truth. King decided to make a career out of exploiting White guilt and using racial inequality for his own personal gain.

Most Blacks were still on the bottom of the economic heap despite desegregation. Black test scores were not rocketing upwards in the new desegregated schools. Black admissions and graduates at good quality universities remained at a trickle. By attacking "the system" and leading a loud, noisy movement that implicitly promised Blacks that they would soon be equal to Whites, King discovered that he could continue to be a celebrity.

If King admitted that that American Blacks are 15 IQ points less intelligent than Whites on average and that as a group they will never have equal financial success to Whites, he would have ended his political career. Blacks in Africa incidentally score 30 IQ points lower than Whites on average. The typical Black in America is actually a mixed race individual with about 25 percent White ancestry. The Blacks in prison tend to have the lowest foreheads and the least amount of White ancestry.

An honest assessment of Blacks in America is that about ten percent of them will do well in higher education and professional jobs while most Blacks are suited for semi-skilled labor and the bottom third of Blacks really can't do much more than the simplest of manual labor.

The leaders of the civil rights movement however were never in the business of honesty, they were...