Marx And The Historic Evolution Of Communism

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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Marx & Historic Evolution of Communism By: Karl Marx although widely considered the father of Communism (as it is now recognized) was neither the first or last to try and design an equal society based around the state. Although Marx's model is by far the most detailed and widely considered feasible, it is based on the works of many other socialist thinkers through the ages. The goal of this essay is to examine the contributions of as many of those other minds as possible and try to analyze where many of Marx's ideas originated.

Before tearing down the fundamental ideals of Communism, I give you, the reader a hugely condensed overview of Marx's life and his ideas for the purposes of comparison. Karl Marx was born on May 5th 1818 in Trier, Germany (now France). The son of middle class parents, Karl studied at the University of Berlin before working for several newspapers and finally being exiled to France for hostility towards the state and the church.

While in Paris, Marx befriended Friedrich Engels (1820-1895), the son of a wealthy industrialist who shared Marx's distaste for capitalism and who helped finance Marx throughout his adult life. Together, Marx and Engles wrote The Communist Manifesto (1848), which became the "bible" of communist philosophy. In it they outline two hostile factions, the Bourgeois (Upper class/Royalty), and the Petit Bourgeois (Capitalists). The 'good guys' were the workers of the world, whom Marx refers to as the Proletariat. Marx theorized that the Royalty would be overthrown by the Capitalists because of the discovery of the new world and the introduction of too much 'new money' into the equation. Then after the Capitalists had consumed and destroyed each other for a time there would be only a huge few left, they would be...