Mcabeth by shakespeare. subject under examination is corruption by power

Essay by smirkingboy03High School, 12th gradeA+, January 2003

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Power Corrupts

It has been said that power corrupts absolutely, and absolute power is kind of neat. Irony regularly appears, ironically, in the strangest of places. The mere fact that one of the most corrupting forces on this planet is also one of the most intriguing displays that irony is joke meant for God. The tobacco lobbyist that dies of lung cancer, The gay activist that catches AIDS, and, my favorite of all, the pro-choice advocates that are never born, are all ironic twists of fate. In Shakespeare's tragedy: Macbeth Irony is evident in the power that is sought after by Macbeth. The one thing he craves is what brings him to his doom. Power is the delicious fruit that burns a hole in the guts of its consumer.

In the tragedy Macbeth the main character, Macbeth seeks to attain the throne through all means necessary. Ambition is the addictive force that drives Macbeth to lunacy (Beckham 61).

Macbeth is told by the witches of a prophecy that he shall be king (I.iii.36-70). Macbeth sees these prophecies as instructions to pursue his fantasy of becoming king through any means necessary. This green light to lie, cheat, and steal is like throwing a ham-bone before a dog. Macbeth is also directed to kill the king by his wife (I.v.65-75). Macbeth feels the power of victory and the ability to control his destiny in his own hands. He begins to feel that killing the king is the right thing to do because Kingship is the desire of both Mr. and Mrs. Macbeth. Macbeth still has his own fortune in his hands but the lure of power looms ever greater within his mind. Once Macbeth kills Duncan, he begins to ignore the moral issue of murder; it is only a way to eliminate...