The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka - Parallel between Gregor and Kafka's Family

Essay by phaedrus2000High School, 11th grade March 2003

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Throughout the novel, The Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka, the author, demonstrates the parallel between his relationship with his family, and Gregor Samsa's relationship with his family, in addition to how Gregor came to chose to become the insect he was physically, after having already been one psychologically. Following the existentialist theory, Gregor allowed himself to become an insect, as he chose how he would let his family affect him. Ultimately, it was he that made the choice to become accustomed to the routine of his daily life, to shell himself from all intimacies, and to become wholly focused on his job, despite the fact that he despised it. Gregor Samsa was in full control of his own life, as he allowed his family to affect him, just like Kafka's had, as well as consenting to become an insect.

Gregor Samsa permitted his family to mould him, in the same manner that Franz Kafka had.

As previously mentioned, Franz Kafka established a similitude between the relationship with his family, and Gregor with his family. Franz Kafka's father, Hermann Kafka, was thoroughly disappointed with his son, as he never reached the high expectations he had set for him. This affected Franz Kafka in such a manner that he attributed his failure to live - cut loose from parental ties and establish himself in marriage and fatherhood - as well as his escape into the literary world, to the father figure. Franz Kafka himself was an introverted, shy, and quiet man, that deep inside anguished and cried for help as he sought information and understanding from the world, and for a way to believe in his own identity. This had an intense ramification on Gregor, the protagonist of Kafka's novel.

The corollary of Kafka's relationship with his father was portrayed on...