OF mice and Men by John stienbeck

Essay by blahdyblahdyblahHigh School, 10th gradeA, March 2003

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Do you have an unrealistic dream? In the book Of Mice and Men by John

Steinbeck, the main characters in the story each had a dream in which

they were unable to carry out. Taking place during the Great Depression

era in the United States, these individuals struggled to survive. The

theme "It is better not to have big dreams in life because they are too

difficult to attain and you end up bitterly disappointed and

unmotivated" was brought up and proven true by them. Lennie, Candy, and

Curley's wife's dreams, like "the best laid schemes o'mice an' men gang

aft a-gley, had been led astray. Lennie's dream had been shattered

when his craving for soft materials caused him to commit a crime.

Lennie dreamt of owning a farm and a little house with George, and most

of all, tending some rabbits. Seeking employment and asylum at Tyler

Ranch, Lennie longed to have a feel of some soft materials. However,

being a feeble-minded man, and having a childlike understanding of his

enormous strength, the result was tragic when Lennie broke the neck of

Curley's wife while feeling her soft hair. His first thought after the

incidence was that he would no longer be able to tend the rabbits. He

did not realized how serious this mistake of his was. It had cost him

not only his dream, but his life as well. The only piece of land that

Lennie ended up with was his grave. Because of Lennie's fault, Candy's

dream of having a share of George's farm became unrealistic. Candy was

among the ones who could hardly manage the struggle to survive during

the Depression. His age has robbed his usefulness, so he was more than

happy to take part in the...