The Miracle Worker by William Gibson, Essay with quotes describing Annie's battle with the Keller family (page numbers are from my literature book)

Essay by kacecanraceJunior High, 9th gradeA, March 2005

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William Gibson's play, The Miracle Worker, illustrates how people who triumph over hardships can succeed in achieving their goals. The play follows Annie Sullivan, a half-blind northern young woman, as she travels to Post-Civil War Tuscumbia, Alabama in order to teach Helen Keller, a blind and deaf little girl. When she arrives in Alabama, Annie meets Helen's family members; her father, Captain Keller, is a stubborn, commanding former Civil War captain and her mother, Kate Keller, is a young, overly protective woman, both of them have kept Helen almost as a pet because they did not know what to do with her or how to treat her. In order for Annie to succeed in teaching Helen, she has to battle with Captain Keller's stubbornness, Kate's overly protectiveness, and Helen's combativeness.

For instance, Annie is forced to show her combative side as she repeatedly faces off with Captain Keller to be able to teach Helen better.

For example, Annie and Captain Keller argue at the breakfast table over how to teach Helen, and Captain Keller exclaims, "'I fail to see where you have taught her anything yet, Miss Sullivan!' to which Annie responds angrily, 'I'll begin this minute if you'll leave the room, Captain Keller! (Gibson 668). Captain Keller desperately wants to have peace at the breakfast table; however, Annie interrupts that peace by demanding that he leave the room. Annie knows that, in order for her to be able to discipline Helen, Captain Keller and Kate must leave the room so that they cannot interfere. In addition, Annie requests another week to teach Helen without the interference of her family, and Captain Keller exclaims, "And what would one more week accomplish? We are more than satisfied, you've done more than we ever thought possible, taught her constructive--"(691). Captain...