Moby Dick - An example of how one mans obsession of getting revenge can drive a man mad and even turn deadly.

Essay by socksahoyHigh School, 11th gradeA+, March 2005

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Moby Dick was written by Herman Melville in1851, which was first called "The Whale". The name "Mocha Dick", or white whale of the Pacific came from a magazine published in many 1839 and was infamous among whalers for its violent attacks on ships and their crews. Moby Dick is based on facts that Herman Melville obtained in his own experiences at sea. This story tells how one man's obsession of getting revenge can drive a man mad and even turn deadly.

In the book Moby Dick, Captain Ahab seeks to get his revenge on a whale that took his leg. He becomes obsessed and turns psychotic. When trying to kill the whale he jumps on to it and ends up dying. The whale then attacks the crew and the boat killing everyone but one. So in his search for revenge he not only kills himself but his whole crew.

Today we can find an example of this on our highways and interstates. We call it road rage. One person becomes mad and seeks revenge on another driver. In a lot of cases this is the cause of accidents and many deaths.

Another example of this is today's murders. Many of them are committed by someone seeking revenge on another person. For example, one gang could seek revenge on another or a wife killing her husband for cheating on her. Something just sets them over the edge and causes them to do something they'll regret.

Herman Melville's story is still relevant to us today. It shows us how one man's obsession of getting revenge can drive a man mad and even turn deadly. "Revenge is a kind of wild justice, which the more man's nature runs to the more ought law to weed it out". -Sir Francis Bacon