Money makes the world go round

Essay by karina_nsk2001 February 2004

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Life and money, which support it, make the existence of people purposeful and intelligent, money becomes the self-value nowadays . But if we want to know the possibilities for spiritual growth or moral development in human beings we must answer the question what money means in our life?

It can be compared with a huge piston in the engine that pushes the world. 1 am saying this because it is one of my beliefs that, if not every decision, at least a majority of them are made with the consequence of money in our mínd.

For example my friend and I were exchanging our opinions on a certain movie the other day. She was telling me she didn't like the movie because she felt that it didn't serve a purpose. My argument was that I did like the movie because it was entertaining, I also said that it did serve a purpose because it made money.

The purpose of that movie was to entertain enough people to allow it to show a profit. The only reason anyone made what the writer wrote into a movie, because they felt this it would make money.

Of course, there are always exceptions to a rule, that ís why 1 say "If not every decision, a majority of them". Somewhere out there may be a songwriter who just writes songs because he enjoys it, not because of money matters.

1 don't think that having money as the motivation to most decisions is bad, that's just the way it ís. There are a lot of good things that come from money-based decisions. It's all about profitability

Money in general has 3 main uses. The first and most important is medium of exchange - that is something people will accept for their goods or services. Without...