The Montgomery Bus Boycott: Rosa Lee Parks

Essay by zBOBBYRAINEZz October 2006

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The Montgomery bus boycott manipulated the way people thought, lived and thrived along side each other. The American civil rights movement started many years ago, dating back to the seventeenth century, which included blacks as well as whites all protesting slavery together.

The pinnacle of the civil rights movement came in the early 1950's beginning with the successful bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama. The leader of the civil rights movement was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who preached nonviolence and love for your enemy. "Love your enemies, we do not mean to love them as a friend or intimate. We mean what the Greeks called agape-a disinterested love for all mankind." Martin Luther King.

The Civil Rights Movement was originally to threaten the survival of segregation and finally get it abolished. It was also to remove the system of laws and barriers separating blacks and whites. During the civil rights movement, persons and civil rights organizations challenged segregation and prejudices utilizing a variety of activities, such as protest marches, boycotts, and refusal to follow the segregation laws put before them.

On December 1, 1955, Rosa Lee Parks was determined to not give up her good seat to a passenger on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. By doing this, she put the civil rights movement into full action, which led to Civil Rights Act. An exhausted Rosa Parks got on board a bus one evening in Montgomery, Alabama. She had been at work all day and wanted to nothing more than to finally be able to sit down and rest. However, by law the front of the buses were reserved for Caucasians and the back was reserved for African Americans. Blacks could ride in the middle section if the seat was not desired by any other Whites. Without a conscious...