"Much Ado about nothing" - "Changing self" can be an internal process but is often influenced by external factors.

Essay by Chainreaction_deHigh School, 11th grade September 2006

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In the play "Much Ado About Nothing" written by William Shakespeare, the process of changing self is mostly shown by two of the main characters, Beatrice and Benedick. Their hatred for each other is clear in the first act. This is shown through a process in which they are tricked into loving each other, in the end their feelings of hatred are overcome by feelings of love and passion.

In act one, scene one, Beatrice and Benedick have their first meet. Almost instantly harsh words begin to fly between the pair. Benedick even states that he would much like to look for things that do not exist "rather than hold three words with this harpy" When Benedick talks about Beatrice he refers to her in the third person. Benedick refers to her as "she" instead of her name or 'you'. This alienates Beatrice from the conversation and shows an air of arrogance and elite attitude.

The scenes are shot inside at night time with very poor lighting, giving them a feeling of darkness. In Beatrice's and Benedick's conflict, over the shoulder shots are used to imply a similarity of hatred between the two and equal intent to belittle the other. It gives a feeling of seeing the other character at eye level and shows the audience that they are equal in their disregard for each other as it shows their level of despise toward the other.

In a later scene, in which Benedick makes his first soliloquy. He is alone and dejected, he away from his friends. Benedick is having trouble getting his chair to work; this is symbolism for Benedick not being able to sort out his feelings. Beatrice is also under similarly circumstances. She is alone, apart from her friends. Beatrice is walking disturbed...