Mussolini essay

Essay by mikele1A, November 2014

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Emily personifies imagination as a physical presence separate from the individual in her poem to imagination

A number of Emily Bronte's poems capture and celebrate the dreamy, delicious state of imagining

To Imagination, as its title suggests, stands as a love letter or a triumphant toast to the inner world. For Bronte, imagination appears to be simultaneously within and separate from ourselves - its presence leaps from something we can merely appreciate, such as "a bright unsullied sky", to an actual being, someone we know and who is always there for us in times of happiness or sorrow…a true friend.

As the poem concludes, things step up a gear as it is declared "sure solace of human cares", the comforting and even healing power of imagination is fully revealed by the composer

Her poetry gives the impression of having been cut as close to the centre of feeling as possible.

The portrayal of such passionate intensity can easily lead to excessive exclamations in which meaning is scattered, if not lost

In this poem Emily Bronte writes about and to a true friend (see the 5th line of stanza 1.) who or what is her friend? As the poem title indicates, it is her own imagination. You could argue that it is like an imaginary friend

She says it is a "kind voice", a "world within" which she feels close to her heart; "within our bosoms bound"

In the first 3 stanza's she repeats in various ways that the world outside her (the world without) is a painful, hopeless, dangerous, dark, hateful place; but that she gets relief from all of that by turning inwards to her imagination.

She says that in her imagination she is free ("thou, and I, and liberty have … sovereignty") and the sky is "untroubled"...