My Generation - technology does not affect the outcome.

Essay by PudgyPigeonCollege, UndergraduateB+, April 2007

download word file, 5 pages 4.3

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Muscle cars of the 1960’s were big, fast, and obnoxious. They symbolized America’s confidence and swagger of the day. The Ford Mustang, the Chevy Corvette, and the Dodge Charger were built for a generation of post World War Two Americans that loved freedom and expression though steel and gasoline. Those who drove these relics of the past were admired through the eyes of jealous high school boys and oogled at by all of the prettiest girls.

Once thought forgotten, the age of the muscle car has dawned on us once again, more than forty years later. The resurgence of huge engines, clean cut lines, and loud exhaust systems have brought automakers back to the forefront of our culture. Our society is once again projected through the Mustang, the Corvette, and the Charger. The newest generation of Americans now has their own cars to envy, as did the Baby Boomers of the past.

Similarities to the past are not only reflected in the factories of Detroit. From Monroe to Madonna, and Edison to Einstein, each generation is similar to those that came before. Each new age, in essence, fits a mold that has been filled for hundreds of years. Whether it is societal trends or progressive attitudes, the foundation of American culture has changed very little since its existence.

Dating back to the Revolution, generations are often defined by achievements or undertakings that have shaped society. In the mid nineteenth century, Manifest Destiny literally swept the country. This was the belief that the American nation should span from “Sea to shining sea.” President Polk, with the county’s full support, was to expand our borders through any means. The president’s confidence in his message unified a nation and inspired great exploration. By the end of his short four years in office, Polk...