My Summer Trip: Audra

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 11th grade February 2008

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In the summer, my family and I go camping at Audra every year, and we have a blast. When we first get there, we have to “set up camp.” Audra is a small state park in West Virginia that my Aunt found on accident when she was going camping about fifteen years ago, and the campsite she usually goes to was full, so she went there. Little did she know that she was really finding a family tradition that would last for years. The guys usually put up the tents, the girls usually get the food out and everything set up. When we are all done with the tedious work, we usually change into our bathing suits and walk down to the river. It is so inviting; we just have to go swimming. The current isn’t that powerful, but it is strong enough to make it so we can journey down it on large inner tubes.

That can get dangerous though, we usually don’t leave the river without a few bruises and bumps, but it isn’t anything that a band-aid can’t fix. At the end of the day, we are all really worn-out, so we usually make dinner over the scorching fire. Believe it or not, camping food is some of the best food ever. I like to go down to the river at night, lay on a rock and just stare at the stars. It can be very romantic, listening to the water stream past us as if it could go on forever. That is the most comforting, soothing place to be in the world. We also take long walks through the woods, and climb up this one life-size rock. This is a good place for families to go and relax. It’s very enjoyable, very inexpensive, and very pleasant.