The Native American's motivation for peace.

Essay by ryaltheyreHigh School, 10th gradeA+, May 2003

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By the end of his life Powhatan had established a relatively peaceful coexistence between his confederacy and the European settlers. In an essay, describe what was the Indians' motivation for peace and, ultimately, what factors led to conflict.

All References are to the book Nation of Nations A Concise Narrative of the American Republic by James West Davidson, William E. Gienapp, Christine Leigh Heyrman, Mark H. Lytle, Michael B. Stoff

In the early 1600's on the Chesapeake bay, where the story of Pocahontas originated from. The actual historical 'story' took place. However Pocahontas actually played a very small role in the relationships between Powhatan's confederacy and the English. She was meant to secure peace, but ultimately her and her father's sacrifices were for naught as other happenstances lead from that manufactured peace into conflict.

At first, when Jamestown was being built, the Indians' and the white settlers had supplementary goals.

The settlers needed food, and shelter. They were also in adept at providing for themselves in this "swampy, mosquito-infested site" (Nation of Nations, 33) A product of this inability to provide for themselves was that they starved. "Still the English starved, and not just during the first few months of their settlement but for several years after." (Nation of Nations, 33) Because of the English's years of starvation they grew dependent on the Indians for food, and other necessities. Powhatan used this so that he could bargain more easily for the powerful weapons of the white men, who were not to be feared. Powhatan did not fear the English, like so many people believe and Disney portrays, because the Indians' "vastly outnumbered" (Nation of Nations, 33) the white men. The English were also thought to be of an inferior race. " Powhatan was not frightened. The English had larger boats...more...