Nature of Imperialism

Essay by maddydirksHigh School, 11th gradeB+, October 2014

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Explain the Nature and Impact of Imperialism in the 19th Century

Imperialism in the 19th and 20th Centuries was aggressive in its nature and both positive and negative impacts on the colonized nations. Imperialism is defined as a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force. The New imperialism movement was the surge of European powers, including mainly England, France, Belgium, and Germany along with the USA, colonial expansion in the 19th and 20th Century, lasting from the French conquest of Algeria to the beginning of World War 1, During this time, countries focused on building their empire with new technological advances and developments, making their country bigger through conquest, and exploiting their resources.

The fall of mercantilism during the early 1800s and a large boom in industrialization gave rise to this new wave of Imperialism. Imperial expansion had its origins in and domestic economic concerns, with industrialized nations seeking to accelerate their internal development.

Economic hardships led many of the European powers along with the USA came to the conclusion that "industry and capital had exceeded the capacity of existing markets and needed new outlets". The New Imperialism wave effected how colonialism was viewed socially, Rudyard Kipling stated that "It was the white man's burden" to bring Western European civilization to less civilized peoples of the world. European and USA countries of choice for colonial expansion was those situated mainly in Africa and Asia.

In the later 17th Century the expanding British power arrived in India taking a small portion of land but by the 19th Century the British had taken over the entire subcontinent brining it totally under the British crown, Britain directed farmers to grow cash crops for the company for exports to Europe while India became a market for textiles from...