Nature vs. Nurture: Athletics

Essay by tybrandonHigh School, 12th gradeA+, October 2004

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Born to Play or Born to be a Player

Is somebody born to be a great athlete or are they trained. This question has been asked many time but who really know the answer. I believe that it's a combination of both; you can't be great if you don't practice. Your family may have a line of amazing athletes but if you don't work on your skills they deteriorate.

Begin born as an amazing athlete is possible but is not likely. If you've had the blessing of a family with a good athletic background you very likely can be a great competitor. The people who are said to be born for a sport means that they are built to eventually become a good player. Begin born to play the sport and being born a player are very different things. Many people that are great at sports come from families that have no history in that sport

Being born to play the sport means that you have every possible ability to become a great player.

This ability will never develop if you don't increase your skill level. The only way for a person to increase his or her skill level is to practice and stay with a sport until you can no longer physically participate in that sport. One must push his or her limits every time they practice the sport, give their best effort to get anything from the practice. The skill will not become great over night but must be practiced over and over again to achieve greatness.

A player is born through sheer luck or genetics. When the person participates in the sport for the first time they will be able to compete with highly skilled people. They will need little practice to attain a spotlight amongst other...