The Negative Effects of Television

Essay by ecpigMiddle School, 6th grade December 2006

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Television should be banned from children to watch for many health issues. Children get obese by sitting there all day and the children don't get the exercise they need to grow. The children have less time to get the education they need to advance or other activities that would increase social value. Also, the more they watch, the more health issues pop up. This is why television should be banned.

Sitting in front of the television is bad. When children turn on their television, time flies and they will sit there for a long time. When they sit there for a regular basis, they can start getting obese. This is also true because they could be exercising and developing their strength and physical abilities.

The television is bad for your education and life. The more you watch, the less time you have to study. If you study less, your grades will drop.

Also, you get less time to socialize and you have fewer friends. Television can affect your life.

Television can greatly affect your health as well. If you watch a long time, your eyes get worse. Television can also send harmful rays that hurt you over time. Television can even cause autism! Television can greatly affect your health.

Television is very bad to children. Sitting in front of the television can make you obese and reduce chances of exercising. Television is also bad for your education and life because your grades may drop and you may be less social. Television can also give you many health problems. Television is bad for children so it should be banned from children use.