Negative sides of the 20s prosperity

Essay by AndruCollege, Undergraduate May 2004

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The 1920s was an era of "silver-linings" around clouds of prosperity; is a hidden dark cloud of racism, which loomed for some Canadian groups. During the 1920's, laws were passed that carried disadvantages for Aboriginal people, Black Canadians, and minorities wanting to immigrate. This time period was known as the decade of prosperity; there were obvious groups that were negatively targeted.

Aboriginal people can be defined as a member of any of the peoples that inhabited Canada before the arrival of European settlers (Encarta). The land of Canada has been resided by the Aboriginals for centuries. However, when Canada was formed as a nation, the government showed no respect or appreciation towards the Aboriginal people. Aboriginals were stripped of their basic rights due to laws that stole their culture, language, and children. The consistent mistreatment led to the creation of the Indian Act that was passed by the Canadian government in 1876.

The Indian Act was aimed for consistent assimilation, integration and eventual abolition of reserves and their rights" (Thunderbird par.9). This unreasonable act effectively served the purpose of removing the Native people both politically and culturally; in addition the act gave little control within their own society due to strong government pressure (FNCPA par.2). In the early 1920s, traditional ceremonies such as the sun dance were banned and a few prairie tribes were enforced (McGraw-Hill, Ryerson par.1). Not only did this event humiliate the Aboriginal people, the main principle of the Indian Act forced a barrier to their social rights. During the 1920s, a few thousand Indians who were willing to protest their rights formed the League of Indian of Canada to represent the Aboriginal people in hopes of sharing their "voice" in government. However, over the years, individuals who attended the meetings were charged by the police for...