
Essay by slappy_chops June 2004

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1.         Article Two: Neo-liberalism

Neo-liberalism has been one of the most influential ideologies over the last two decades that has had significant influence in the change of power and politics, at both global and national levels. Neo-liberalism theories are based on ideas and values that stem from the social tenets of classical liberalism that promote the free market, individualism, the pursuit of self-interest and the proposition that these will lead to the social good. Acceptance of the values and ideas of classical liberalism does not extend to Enlightenment assumptions about science, reason and progress of humanity and is rejected by neo-liberals as an infringement on an individual's freedom that distorts the natural operations of markets. This freedom endorses limiting the involvement from the state or federal governing bodies, as Neo-liberals believe that individual responsibility makes both economic and moral sense.

It is the focus of this essay to present an explanation by way of example of the key concepts of neo-liberalism that are structured within the selected article and describe how this theory influences how we understand population groups, social issues and if the views of neo-liberalism reflect social justice values.

This article mirrors key concepts of Neo-liberalism in promoting a framework of strategies that is consistent with limiting government intervention and redirecting individuals that receive social support to obtaining social responsibility and rights through the guise of mutual obligation by way of participation. The proposed participation plan is consistent with neo-liberal ideas in denying acknowledgment of any complex issues surrounding a need basis that gives rise to circumstances resulting in dependency on a social support system. This denial of need-based support creates a classification of discriminating between the deserving and undeserving poor by way of assessment of participation. To ignore the cause for dependency is in line with the...