Nero and Agrippina-How and why did Nero plot against Agrippina?

Essay by babbagirlHigh School, 12th gradeA, December 2002

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Nero was prophesized by astrologers when he was born that he would become emperor but kill his mother, according to Tacitus (The Annals). Agrippina's reply was "Let him kill me- provided he becomes emperor". This reinforces Agrippina's desire and ambition for Nero to gain this position.

After Nero became emperor in AD 54 after Claudius' death, Agrippina exercised power through her influence on Nero by sending official letters to kings and governors and receiving the various embassies that came to Rome. Nero did not resent this influence at the time, instead honouring Agrippina on coins produced at the time where she appeared face to face with Nero and her name and title were given more prominence than that of Nero. However, when Agrippina attempted to share nero's imperial dais during a meeting with an Armenian embassy, Seneca quickly forestalled her by getting Nero to leave the dais and go forward to greet her.

Both Seneca and Burrus believed that if the Armenians saw a woman sharing Nero's imperial dais, they might suspect the empire of weakness and take advantage of it. This was due to the fact that the "open political influence of women in Rome was forbidden", according to the historian, Bill Leadbetter.

The event marked the beginning of Agrippina's decline which could be seen in the fact that coins produced during AD55 depict Nero's head partly covering that of Agrippina and the written inscription gave pride of place to Nero.

It is believed that Agrippina lost control over Nero when she interfered with his love affairs. Nero's passion for an ex-slave girl called Acte was strongly resented by Agrippina. According to the historian, Koutsoukis, Agrippina tried hard to end the affair but her "foul temper" merely served to strengthen the relationship between Nero and Acte. Then Agrippina changed...