New Testament: Ransom in Mark and Luke.

Essay by AzarielUniversity, Bachelor'sA+, August 2005

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In Mark 10:45 Jesus says, " For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Jesus used the metaphor of ransom because it would have had a very specific meaning for people living in the first century (Dr. David D'Andre). Nowadays, we explain this word in different way, but the core is maintained the same.

Rephrasing Mark 20:45, it can be seen, that the phrase "to give his life as a ransom to many" can be equalized to "giving his life to redeem many". The meaning of the word "redemption" came to us back from the first century. At that time people were divided into the owners of the land and slaves that were also divided into two parts: Jews and aliens (were treated with the special harshness). Therefore, if a person was in debt, he, at first, sold his land, and then, if it didn't help, - a man would sell himself.

Nevertheless, that person could be bought back by his relative that would redeem him. Redemption is a payment for the liberation of an accused person or an emancipation of a debtor from his debt.

In the book of Mark, he portrays the life and works of Jesus in such a way, that it seems that Satin is vs. Jesus, while the last one is seen as a human on the Earth. It also looks like in Mark we (all the people) are in debt; God is the owner of a farm to whom we have to pay certain amount of money to get out of debt. However, we don't have any money or sources to get them, and we cell ourselves to Satan. Nevertheless, Jesus buys us back, by suffering himself. Suffering is...