"Night" by Elie Wissel and "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck

Essay by 90LARHigh School, 11th gradeA+, February 2006

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When you find yourself in an obstacle that you can not escape or at your lowest point, your soul and mind become dark and you feel that have no way out, you begin to see life very differently. You now are able to analyze the world, and shift through all the bells and whistles in it and see the truth, which was once hidden from you. I think that is exactly that Theodore Roethke meant when he wrote "In a dark time, the eye begins to see,..." Personally, I agree fully with Roethke's statement. Roethke's ideology is found in both "Night" by Elie Wiesel and "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck. In both novels the protagonists are faced with obstacles which seem impossible to overcome, however once they reach "rock bottom" they realize how they shall over come their situation.

In "Night" by Elie Wiesel, the main character, Eliezer was faced with a conflict that changed his life and the lives everyone he loved.

He was forced to face the terrors of the Holocaust, man versus society. Nevertheless, Eliezer faced much more than the Holocaust, he faced himself, man versus man. In Night, Eliezer's mind toggled the many conflicts of his daily life, especially deciding whether or not he wanted to live. The climax of the novel is also the point in which Eliezer reached his lowest point; this is when Eliezer loses his faith in God, which has been very important to him throughout his life. Eliezer was so horrified by the torture that he witnessed and endured, and questions if God exists. At this point Eliezer realizes that his fate is p to him, to a certain extent. He realizes that in order to survive and be happy with his family once again, he...