Essay by Anonymous UserCollege, UndergraduateA+, January 1996

download word file, 5 pages 3.7 1 reviews


Prepared for

Mr. Robert Pigg, President

Lakedale Manufacturing

1 Desert Storm Drive

Niceville, FL 33870

Prepared by

Human Resource Department

Lakedale Manufacturing

320 Ardennes Street

Arabia, NC 28357

November 23, 1996

Lakedale Manufacturing

Human Resource Department

320 Ardennes Street

Arabia, NC 28357

November 23, 1996

Mr. Robert Pigg, President

Lakedale Manufacturing

1 Desert Storm Drive

Niceville, FL 33870

Dear Mr. Pigg:

Here is the report on the productivity and morale study concerning working hours you asked us to conduct.

As you will see we have made recommendations to support the benefits of flexibility in working hours which will increase productivity and morale in the work place. This office is confident you will see the benefits in flexible working hours at the Lakedale Manufacturing Plant in North Carolina.

We really appreciate the opportunity you have given this office to conduct a study of this magnitude.

If you need additional information concerning this report or in implementing our recommendations, please call us.

Sincerely yours,

Gary Gobble

Chief, Human Resources Department

Laws and Regulations

Policies and Procedures

When it comes to laws and regulations, we must keep in mind that the relationship between an employee and the organization is a contractual one. The employee and the organization must agree on the terms and conditions that will govern their relationship. This agreement is made at the time the employee is hired for a certain position. Any change or modification to the original agreement must be agreed upon by both the employee and the organization.

The laws and regulations that govern the contractual relationship come from several different sources and place constraints on the relationship. They may be statutory federal laws or state and local laws that supplement those found at the federal level. The constraints...