Notes on Recruitment

Essay by Aly_KHigh School, 11th grade November 2004

download word file, 1 pages 3.0


- Job Analysis: The definition of a sales position in terms of specific roles or activities to be performed along with the determination of personal qualifications suitable for the job. Choosing the best person for a job from a field of applicants.

- Job Description: A written statement listing the elements of a particular job or occupation, e.g., purpose, duties, equipment used, qualifications, training, physical and mental demands, working conditions, etc. Word picture of the job.

- Person Specification: Shows a profile of the type of person needed to do a specific job. Broken down into qualities that are essential and desirable.

§ Job Description:

· Job title

· Responsible to

· Responsible for

· Position in organization

§ Person Specification:

· Qualifications

· Personal skills

· Characteristics

· Job skills

· Work Experience

· Internal Recruitment: Recruiting a new employee

· External Recruitment: Appointing an employee from within an organization

§ Internal Advantages +

· Less expensive

· Worker is a 'known quantity', ability and character is known

· Shorter induction period

· Motivate employees if they see promotion opportunities

· Quicker process

§ Internal Disadvantages -

· Still leaves a vacancy in the organization

§ External recruitment

· Headhunters: Private organizations who are paid to approach a worker in another business

· Private Employment Agency: Workers register with this agency when they are looking for a job

· Government Job Centers: State funded employment organizations

· Universities/Colleges: The 'milk round' in the UK involves employers interviewing students at college

· Careers Service: government funded careers advice agencies

· Government Funded Training Schemes: Training is provided for long term unemployment with the option for the employer of recruiting permanently

· Advertising: National press, local press, international or industry magazines/journals