Notes I took for industurial revolution

Essay by JeffB32High School, 11th grade March 2005

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18. Charles Townsend: The Pioneer of English agricultural improvement he learned techniques for the Dutch while he was an ambassador and used them in his latter years to produce large crops. This would help England in the long world since the Agricultural Revolution would lead to the Industrial Revolution.

19. Thomas Malthus: He wrote Essay on Principle of Population argued that population would always grow faster than food supply. He took the view that war, famine, and disease were "positive checks" and the only way of warding them of was young men and women have "prudential restraint" by marrying at older ages.

20. David Ricardo: He went along with Malthus's pessimistic assertion of population and came up with "Iron law of wages". He said that because of the pressures of population growth wages would always sink to subsistence levels.

21. Andrew Ure: In 1834 he wrote the book the Philosophy of Manufactures in which he promoted straight forward paths of improvement instead of pursuing dangerous ideas.

22.Crystal Palace: Place where the1851 industrial fair was held it was made completely of glass and iron.

23.Cartwrights power loom: The first wool combining machine that made practical the weaving of wide cotton.

24.Spinning jenny: Invented by James Hargreave, and simple and inexpensive machine which was hand operated by hand. It had six to twenty four spindles that were mounted on a sliding carriage.

25. Zollverein: Custom unions among the German states which allowed good to move through German states without tariffs.

26. Factory Act of 1833: Limited the factory workday of a child to eight hours, children fourteen through eighteen twelve hours and forbade employment of children under nine. These children were required to be in schools provide by factory workers.

27. Combination Act: An attempt to outlaw Unions...