About Nothing

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorUniversity, Master's November 2001

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Computers have been a big part of business since their introduction. These devices help workers to be more productive, and more precise. The part that computers play in business is only going to increase due to advances in technologies.

Offices have also changed due to the advent of the computer. A typical office in the 1950's consisted in bullpen setups for clerks and secretaries, surrounded by rows of same-sized private offices. This arrangement was an extension of the Industrial Age factory model. In the 1990's office, spaces are significantly being refined to integrate the information technologies that are transforming business everywhere: multimedia computers, on-line services, modems, videoconferencing, and mobile phones (Gunn and Burroughs 2-3).

Another type of computer that has shaped some of the larger businesses is the super computer. These are extremely powerful number crunchers used by government, universities and industry to process massive amounts of information and simulate natural phenomena.

This in turn reduces the cost of designing airplanes, discovering new drugs, cracking codes, and handling a variety of other numerically intensive chores (peters 2).

Do computers really save businesses money? In most cases yes but this technology can be misused. Computers help all kinds of people do their jobs faster and more efficiently. Many expect the computer to transform the economy and society as much as the internal-combustion engine and electric power did. Erik Bronjolfsson, a professor at M.I.T. has done extensive surveys on what senior executives have hoped to get out of their investments in computer power. Their four top goals: to improve service to customers, target new customers, improve quality of products or services, and reduce total costs (Church 2-3).

Computers are helping workers to be more productive. If workers are more productive then this increases the amount of money that businesses make. Computers allow...