The growing trend in obesity is a critical public health threat in the United States. The term "obesity" refers to an excessive amount of body fat. In scientific terms, obesity occurs when a person consumes more calories than he or she burns. What causes this imbalance between "calories in and calories out" may differ from one person to another. Genetic, environmental, psychological, and other factors may all play a part in the problem. Obesity is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the United States
I think that all people agree that obesity despite the great presence it holds in this nation is something looked down upon. It can be quite dangerous to those whom fall into the category. The method of treatment depends on one's level of obesity, overall health condition, and motivation to lose weight. There are many ways to solve the growing trend. Treatment may include a combination of diet, exercise, behavior modification, and sometimes weight-loss drugs.
In some cases of severe obesity, gastrointestinal surgery may be recommended. After analyzing the various solutions that have been turned to by many people, I have come to the conclusion that maybe these "overweight" individuals should simply stop eating or consume no more than five hundred calories per day. After all nothing tastes as good as thin feels.
There are those who turn to diets to solve the problem. Dozens and dozens of fad diets have been compiled by people trying to "knock off the pounds". Those are the "yo-yo" dieters. They will try the Cabbage Soup Diet, the All-Meat Diet, the Low Carbohydrate Diet, then try the 3-Day Diet, and of course the Slim Fast Jump-Start Diet. They soon learn that these do not get them very far and turn into other directions.
The lack of...
Missing Facts
This essay has completely failed to realistically address a very real problem. anorexia is a massive health issue in America. Many people die each year because of anorexia nervosa.
Very few people can live happily with this disease, and none healthliy. It is a sickness, an obsession *with* food, and a form of starvation.
It is not a viable solution to America's weight problem.
This essay has not presented a balanced argument. Its introduction points out some of the problems with different forms of weight loss, which are all valid. However it does not point out the problems with anorexia, and the benefits it suggests are not realistic, nor healthy. To argue against an alternative is not a complete argument for a cause.
I hope this writer does a little more research, and tries to present their next essay based on facts.
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