Nuclear Fusion.

Essay by MalaVanaHigh School, 12th gradeA+, May 2003

download word file, 8 pages 4.7

"Fission or Fusion"

Thousands of hydrogen atoms start to collide together. One after another, they crash at each other with great magnetism for the energy about to form. Like a lover's kiss, the atoms meet and embrace each other in a boiling pot of immense force. Out of the vast open blue space, an outside force crumples with the bubbling energy. With the speed of light, the atoms are forced together closer and closer until there is no space left between them. A cloud of dust forms and the colossal heat grows hotter and hotter. The cloud turns into fire, fire turns into a stampede of angry bulls racing down the freeway of power. "Boom!" Silence sweeps through space and covers the disaster with a blanket of thick fog. A spark of light manages to creep a smile through the haze like a little child. A star is born. Like an infant, it gasps its first few breathes and shimmers in the cosmic ambiance.

The creation of the universe is complete. It started with just two atoms, which fused together to form what is known today as the sun, the stars, the Earth we live in, and the entire universe. The oldest and biggest energy force, which created the world, has once been too far to grasp for mankind. But with the discovery of fission energy, which powers most of the world today, a glimpse of hope made it possible to achieve nuclear fusion energy. Fusion energy seems to be the most promising energy source of the not-too-distant future. Nuclear fusion is safe, it uses an energy supply that is so abundant that it will never run out, it gives off harmless waste, and it produces energy comparable to the Earth's sun.

To understand fusion, one must have an...