Nuclear Weapons

Essay by onvinhtanCollege, UndergraduateB+, April 2007

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Ever since nuclear weapons were discovered in early 1930's, the question of whether it is ethical for certain countries to develop and manufacture nuclear weapons has become a controversial issue. Those who support the development of nuclear weapons often claim that they are undoubtedly the most effective defense instruments; the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan in 1945 offered irrefutable evidence of the efficiency of nuclear weapons. At the same time, those who oppose nuclear weapons label them the "weapons of mass destruction". They believe that nuclear weapons are too efficient that they would endanger and destroy human life. The risk of uncontrollable incidents of explosion is apparently very high, and the misuse of nuclear weapons by terrorists would jeopardize billions of lives. Added to their destructive ability, nuclear weapons are also extremely expensive, accounted for a great portion of governments' budget for military. With all negative consequences that nuclear weapons create, they appear to undermine rather than increase security.

Discussion1. Nuclear incidents & the risks of explosionNuclear weapons were first projected and tested in the Untied States in the 1940's. Up to now, only a few countries, including the United States, England, Russia, France, China, India, Pakistan, and North Korea, have successfully tested and developed nuclear weapons. Even though nuclear weapons are building up in a very limited number of countries, in a quite short period of time compared to other type of weapons, there have been hundreds of nuclear incidents in which millions of people injured or died directly in the event or by the effect of radiation. Among the hundreds of nuclear incidents, both intentional and unintentional, are the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan in 1945 and the explosion in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine in 1986.

In Hiroshima and Nagasaki...