Number Bases in computing

Essay by shademusicCollege, UndergraduateA+, November 2004

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Assignment on Number Bases

Number bases

Every number base is made up of a certain amount of digits; each digit is called a BIT, taken from the words BI-nary digi-T. Binary digits are either 0 or 1. Binary numbers are numbers just like decimal numbers, but instead of been in base ten, they are in base two. The base tells you how may digits be able to be used. The most popular base we use today is base 10. Its has been the easiest way because we all can count to 10 using our 8 fingers and 2 thumbs.


Base 10, also commonly known as decimal, is a mathematical term for our method of representing numbers. In base ten, a number is expressed in terms of how many ones, tens, hundreds, thousands and so on. Each successive digit or placeholder in the number represents ten times more than the one to the right of it.

Base ten looks like this:

X10 units

0 0 = 0

0 1 = 1

0 2 = 2

0 3 = 3

0 4 = 4

0 5 = 5

0 6 = 6

0 7 = 7

0 8 = 8

0 9 = 9

1 0 = 10

1 1 = 11

1 2 = 12


In other words "12" is (1 x 10) + 2. A larger amount like "4,678,455" is (4 X 1,000,000) + (6 X 100,000) + (7 X 10,000) + (8 X 1,000) + (4 X 100) + (5 X 10) + 5.

Base ten is not the only way to represent numbers. Any other whole number can also be used as a base. The ancient Babylonians used base sixty. The Mayans used base twenty. Base two, base eight and base sixteen are all commonly used in computer science today. But, the most widely used number base in computers...