Obedience Do You Follow or Not?

Essay by VchinCollege, UndergraduateB+, September 2009

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In most people's eyes, disobedience is seen as a vice and obedience is seen as a virtue. However, if you go to the extremes of either of those two, it could be detrimental to the people involved. When you think about the experiment Milgram's Behavioral study of obedience in 1963, how does that relate to real life situations? The subjects were in a lab and were given shocks by this so called "experimenter". It doesn't really relate to life but there was an experiment on the nurses in a real hospital. According to Hofling et al in 1966, registered nurses were doing their regular job until they get a call from a decoy doctor they didn't know. The nurses were told to give a non-prescribed drug in double the dosage to some patients. Twenty two nurses were called to administer the shot. A surprising result, twenty one of those nurses went ahead and administered the shot.

This is an example of authoritative obedience. Most teenagers that are in juvenile hall or jail aren't bad kids. They probably committed some crimes that were perpetrated by their friends or some older figure they looked up to. There are many organizations that try to get kids off the streets and out of gangs. Those are doing a good job, but we need to start teaching the children of America when obedience is not right. It needs to start when they are younger so they will know how to handle certain situations when they get older. When the children enter kindergarten, they are force-fed obedience by their teachers because everyone assumes the teacher is always right. This is mostly true, but the teachers need to go beyond the traditional curriculum and teach valuable lessons about potentially harmful obedience.

If I was the curriculum coordinator...