"Oedipus the King" by Sophocles.

Essay by DocGegeHeadUniversity, Bachelor's July 2003

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Oedipus the King - Research Paper

In the fourth century B.C., Aristotle formulated his own definition and concept of a tragedy, outlining the rules by which he thought a tragedy should follow. Corresponding with Aristotle's view of tragedy, Oedipus the King meets the strict and detailed standard of Aristotle's idea. The handling of the elements of plot is masterly, and even a modern audience has little difficulty in seeing this. In Oedipus the King, Sophocles presents us with a world in which fate is inevitable, pride can be dangerous or effective, good intentions are irrelevant, and sight and blindness may serve a similar purpose.

Aristotle points out that a tragedy must contain a protagonist that falls from power and from happiness, and that the protagonist must always be fallible in some way. Lewin writes, "Ultimately, while we can regard Oedipus as both admirable for his leadership skills and noble intentions and imperfect for his overconfidence and harsh treatment of others, he is a figure whose fate inspires pity and terror because of his ability to endure misfortune" (Lewin 1).

Sophocles' brilliance in utilizing cosmic irony, or irony of fate, causes Oedipus, the hero of the story, to fall from his throne and ultimately end up in exile. In the first scene of the play, Teiresias, a blind prophet, speaks with Oedipus, who is searching for a cure to the plague killing his people. Teiresias is stubborn at first, stating, "You are all ignorant" (Sophocles 1393). Later, after exchanging some unpleasant dialogue, Teiresias finally tells Oedipus, "You weave your own doom" (Sophocles 1394). Here, it is clear that Sophocles uses foreshadowing through Teiresias' dialogue.

In the conclusion, Oedipus realizes his guilt of patricide, "[d]amned in the blood he shed with his own hand" (Sophocles 1414). Immediately, the chorus follows...