Oil crisis and China's relations with Sudan

Essay by connortistCollege, UndergraduateA+, March 2009

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China is the world's fastest growing country in recent years. With nearly 1.3 billion people comprising its ever growing population, the recent population boom has made it nearly impossible to provide internally all that a country of its size and staggering growth rate needs. This leaves China with very few options but to outsource for their necessary resources and rely heavily on other countries and populations to help provide for them. Currently, China seems to have found a solution to one of their biggest concerns- the lack of oil production available to them. China has simply outgrown its means and has come to rely on other areas to fulfill their immense requirements (nearly 600 million tons projected by the year 2020) for crude oil (Goodman). This solution comes in the form of a partnership with the Sudanese government in which oil is provided directly to China through a series of Chinese made pipelines through the Red Sea to waiting Chinese tankers nearly 1,000 miles north of Sudan.

These tankers then ferry the oil directly to China's most industrious and populated areas. A great solution to a potentially devastating problem, yes…but at what cost? This partnership has created world-wide turmoil regarding human rights and morality.

The Sudanese government is benefiting greatly from this partnership, in a way that has been all but impossible in past decades. They benefit in a variety of ways; first of all monetarily. The Sudanese government, in return for its country's precious oil is the last years has been profiting nearly 500 million dollars a year, with the possibility of a 30 billion dollar revenue by the year 2012, with much potential for even more easily within their reach (Goodman). Yet another benefit for Sudan that comes from this partnership is the provision of small weapons...