Oppressed Women

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 10th grade February 2008

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This Novel is set up in such an awkward way, it is almost to the point of annoying. To me it's confusing the way the chapters, if they could be called that, bounce around. I'm not even sure why some chapters are there, they seem to have no bearing on the story. Esperanza is the main character. She seems to be a follower instead of a leader, but I presumed the opposite by the way the story started. When she is telling about her life and the way she loses her first friend, she appears to be such a strong individual. She longs for the acceptance of people, so much to the point where it seems as if her friends and school look down upon her. So far I can tell she is a round character. She has so much going on in her mind it is like a constant war.

I do believe she will come into some sort of change, which will ultimately change her perspective and self-being. I almost think that her curiosity and lack of comprehension of her society will get her into trouble with an unknown man. I would say this story has a literary first person point-of-view. The story uses the word "I" and it seems as though Esperanza is telling the story herself. I would say the story takes place in a predominantly poor Latino ghetto. I would also think that her school has many white, upper to middle class students that Esperanza looks up to. She wanted to stay and eat at school. She probably wishes she was just like those students, eating their white bread, sitting in their cozy lunch room at school. Then the other children at her school may not know she lives in such an awful place. She may for once belong, not having to walk home to her ugly house, taking a chance of someone seeing. This is what I thought when she asked her mom to write a note that would allow her to stay at school for lunch. Weird in a way since she is such good friends with Lucy and Rachel who probably have to walk home for lunch as well. That is her family and the society she lives in.