Organizational behavior terms

Essay by d_pascariuUniversity, Master's June 2006

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The word personality comes from the Latin root persona, meaning "mask." According to this root, personality is the impression we make on others; the mask we present to the world. H. Pieron defines personality as "the dynamic organisation of cognitive, emotional, co-native, physiological and morphological aspects of an individual". This dynamic organisation manifests itself as the social conduct of a person, and develops during the interaction process between an individual and the objective reality.

Personality is the result of physiological determinants as well as of cultural, family and group, role and institutional determinants.

The determinants of personality are self-esteem, locus of control, introversion - extroversion relation, authoritarianism, dogmatism, and dependability.

Self-esteem is generally described as a personal evaluation that an individual makes of her or himself. In other words, self-esteem shows individuals their sense of their own worth, value, importance, or capabilities. Do we trust ourselves? Do we believe we can succeed in everything we do? Do we consider ourselves attractive individuals? Do we deserve the respect of others or of our friends? The answers to these few questions may help us evaluate our self-esteem and may give us a hint about its importance in the management of change.

The locus of control refers to the extent to which people attribute the cause or control of events to themselves (internal orientation) or to external environmental factors such as other people, luck or fate (external orientation). Locus of control describes the degree to which we believe that we are masters of our own fate, the extent to which we feel able to control, more or less, our own existence.

Locus of control may reveal two types of people:

- Internal locus of control describes people who believe that what happens to them is determined by their abilities, efforts and...