Is Orwell's 1984 Utopian

Essay by fitbikecoHigh School, 11th grade January 2003

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Over the course of time, the world has seen the rise and fall of countless world powers. Each nation or state uses a different form of government, ranging from the dual monarchy of the Medes and Persians or communism in Russia and China. Yet in the overall picture, what does every nation try to achieve ultimately? In most cases, it is a form of peace and security in life - utopia. In George Orwell's 1984 a society is described. Many of the characters would describe their world as a utopian society, for technically it could be. However, Orwell's tedious tirade of mindless details, 1984, is indeed anti-utopian in nature. Through Winston and his support characters, Orwell shows the complete opposite of utopia, inevitably revealing a hint of pessimism.

Utopia by nature is an extension of communism. There were several stages of communism described by Marx as to how this type of society should be accomplished.

Many people see communism through the lens of governments like Russia and China. Yet, those governments are so far from the original conception of communism/utopia that people all over the world have received a distorted picture of communism. When put to good use, essentially the end result would be self-governing. Through overthrow of the current capitalist society, a ruling class would emerge through chaos. Once everything settled, the ruling class would hand the power over to the people, creating a utopia where everyone works for the good of their neighbor. Truly the whole purpose of utopia is to eliminate unbalanced power. With this in mind, Orwell's 1984 can truly be explained.

Winston Smith, the main character of the book, starts the reader off with images of "Big Brother," Oceana, and principles of Igsnoc. Winston offers Orwell's first move toward the anti-utopian idea. By first buying...