"The Outsiders" by S.E Hinton - The Socs were more of a disgrace and menace to society than the Greasers

Essay by sab_iniJunior High, 9th gradeB, September 2006

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The Socs were more of a disgrace and menace to society than the Greasers because they knew that they were better off than the Greasers and they used that against them. The Socs could easily do something rebellious and blame it on the Greasers because the police saw them as a pest to society. They were seen as the menace of society, but is all that really true? Sure, they don't look like the nicest people in town, but there is more to them than what meets the eye. For example, Ponyboy Curtis tries to act all tough but on the inside, he is a quiet guy who likes poetry and books. On the other hand, Johnny doesn't look like the kind of guy who would kill someone, which he admitted to Ponyboy when he regained consciousness on page 45, but Johnny only did this in defense to save Ponyboy and himself from any more harm.

Ponyboy and Johnny did not start this fight, they were just hanging out at a park on the east side, when five Socs came and invaded their territory in a blue Mustang and seemed to be looking for a fight. They got Ponyboy and were drowning him in a fountain until he blacked out (pages 42 to 45).

When the church went up in flames in chapter 6, one of the adults cries out that some of the children are missing. Ponyboy could hear screaming from inside the church. Instinctively, Ponyboy and Johnny run into the burning church through one of the windows. They find a group of terrified children at the back of the church, huddling together. Ponyboy and Johnny lifted the children out of the window. Dally yells that the roof was about to collapse. As the last child was lifted out...