Overview of Ecosystems

Essay by piekjj10College, UndergraduateA-, November 2007

download word file, 2 pages 3.7

Ecosystems: our helpful friendIn this article I found ecosystems are very important to humans in many ways. There are lots of different kinds of ecosystems around the world. But do we as humans know how dependent we are on them? In what ways are we destroying are ecosystems, and what can we do to help preserve them.

Ecologist are scientists, who study the relationships between living organisms, including humans, and their physical environment: it seeks to understand the vital connections between plants and animals and the world around them. Ecologists also provide information about the benefits of ecosystems and how we can use earth's resources in ways that leave the environment healthy for future generations.

Humans tend to use up a lot of the environment for building and or just destroying it by byproducts of things we make. In the 1960's ecologist did some research on poor water quality in lakes and streams.

They found that there was high amounts of phosphorous and nitrogen in the water, which are found in laundry detergents and fertilizers. When the people of the cities and towns were shown this information, they helped out in every way possible to restore their lakes and streams back to their favorite fishing and swimming spots. Also, people will travel to other countries and see some kind of cool plant and buy it and bring it back to our country. They then, plant it out in the yard and not know the damage that they could cause. Introducing non-native plants can threaten are forest, lakes, and other ecosystems endangered spices.

Ecosystems help provide many natural services. Ecologists have discovered that wet lands help filter out toxins and other impurities from water. Leaving some of these filtering ecosystems intact can reduce the burden on water treatment plants...