Evaluation Sheet for Lab Reports Brad Taylor

When all else fails follow the directions

This sheet is provided to help guide you in writing your lab report in a scientific format. The paper should be type written, double spaced (this leaves room for comments), single space where indicated below, with tables, figures, and references as needed. A look at several journal papers will go a long way in answering the many "how to" questions that will undoubtedly come up. The sections of your report should be the ones shown below, and here I provide some guidance on section content. I recommend writing scientific papers in this order: (1) Methods, (2) Results (with tables and figures), (3) Introduction, (4) Discussion, and finally the Abstract (if requested). All text should be in paragraph format, NO list or bulleted statements.

You MUST proofread and spell check you paper (the two serve different purposes).

I will take 5-10 pts off papers that have obviously not been spell cheeked or profread.

Use the active voice (tense), not passive voice, when writing, it is much more direct and vigorous. For example, "Dead leaves covered the ground." (Active voice) versus "There were a great number of dead leaves lying on the ground." (Passive voice). I highly recommend the 'little book' entitled The elements of style by William Strunk, Jr. and E.B. White, it costs about $7.

Cover Page - Include a title, your name, lab section/day.

Abstract [5 points] (if requested)- One paragraph, single-spaced summary of the purpose, approach, and main findings of the study.

Introduction [15 points] - Describe objectives and background information with reference to the literature or information that we already know about the topic that provided the basis for the survey or experiment. Make sure you address the question; why did we...