Path to Revolution

Essay by fayCRJunior High, 9th grade March 2004

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1763Treaty of Paris - end of 7 Years War

Proclamation of 1763 prevents westward expansion

Tension begins

1764Sugar Act passed (indirect/external tax)

Parliament attempts to enforce all trade laws (Navigation Act) to end

smuggling and corruption

1765Stamp Act passed (1st direct tax)

Colonists send petitions, hold meetings, resistance groups form, tax

collectors are attacked, there is rioting and people ignore the law

1766Stamp Act repealed

1767Townshend Acts (an external tax on items like tea, paint and glass,

and measures taken to strongly enforce the Navigation Acts)

Colonist boycott British goods and begin to intensify colonial

manufacturing. Massachusetts sends a letter to the other colonies saying

this is an infringement of rights - Britain orders their legislature


Sept 1768British troops are transferred from the frontier to Boston to stop

mob violence

March 1770The Boston Massacre - both sides are angry but compromise

April 1770Partial repeal of the Townshend Acts

The exception is the 3 penny tax on tea.

2 years of relative peace follow

and imports of British goods are now 50% higher than before

1772The Gaspee incident

A British patrol boat (The Gaspee) runs aground while chasing smugglers

Locals board it that night and burn it

Britain attempts to take the criminals to court but no one will testify

against them - officials are outraged and the Crown takes control of the

governor's salary

1773The Tea Act crisis

The East India company has a glut of 17 million pounds of tea in England.

The Prime Minister agrees to remit the British tax and allow the tea to be

sold in the colonies with only the 3 p tax on it which reduces the price.

This way they can get rid of it quickly but still make a profit and

Parliament gets to uphold...