Personal values and Kudler

Essay by FussarooUniversity, Master'sA, November 2008

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Ethics, in my opinion, is the behavior related to well established standards of right or wrong that determine what we, as human beings, ought to do in terms of our moral duty, obligations, rights, fairness, virtues and society welfare; it is about having ideals and taking responsibility. Ethics is something that should be taught and instilled early in one's life, as it is not something we are born with. Developing ethical behavior and moral conduct starts at home. One's values and ethics are the characteristics that define who they are and what they believe.

According to Wikipedia (2008), ethics is "a major branch of philosophy, encompassing right conduct and good life. It is significantly broader than the common conception of analyzing right and wrong."The Ethics Awareness Inventory was a truly intriguing assignment to complete; it did force me to reflect deeper on what my core values and beliefs are and it revealed how both my ethical perspective and ethical style influence my decision making and thinking.

Based on the final score of the self-assessment, my ethical perspective is mostly based on Obligation. According to the Inventory Analysis, I tend to center my ethical perspective on an individual's duty or obligation to do what is morally right; I am also a person who believes that "ethical conduct appeals to "conscience" and that I "advocate policies intended to ensure equal respect and opportunities for all." (The Williams Institute for Ethics and Management, 2006).

All of the above descriptions tend to truly grasp the essence of my ethical values and beliefs. Because I work in a cultural and gender diverse environment, I always try to approach the use of ethics when making decisions with an open mind. It is important to realize that people from diverse backgrounds have differing perspectives and ideals of...